Friday, July 29, 2011

Play like a kid!

 I read this Article called reclaiming your creativity written by William Grace Frost co-founder of Ekastasis and of the Butterfly Peace Path. I encourage you to Google him. The article presents several good suggestions on how to energize your creativity. The two suggestions that stood out to me were to fine tune your awareness and to do something new every day. Fine tuning your awareness is about being present in the moment that you are in. Staying present is hard to do if you have worked yourself into an everyday routine. I mean you can literally coast through your day on auto pilot. I read in another article that the best way to practice being in tune or present is to practice being completely aware of your surroundings for a minute every ten minutes. I also liked his suggestion to do something new every day. Again, this breaks up a hum drum life. Try a new flavor of ice cream, buy a stranger some lunch, go planking or owling. Do something you have never done every day and I am sure it will give you new experiences which will jump start your creativity.
 The suggestion that Frosts presents in his article that really caught my attention was to play like a kid. How many times do we drop everything we are doing and challenge the person next to us to a race. Sounds crazy right? What about playing a game of kickball, dodge ball, twister, hide and go seek, or even tag with a group of adult friends. Kids get real joy and laughter when they are playing. Adults need to play sometimes. I think as we get older we forget how to have real wholesome fun. 
 Fun is not always in the night club. It might be on a big open field with a water gun in hand. I think I’m going to try Mr. Frost suggestions which are being present, doing something new every day, and playing like a kid. I can’t wait to see what creative energy I am going to stir up. You try it to and comment.

Be Virtuous


Friday, July 8, 2011

Join the Virtue~Us Book Club


Join us as we embark on book#4:

The Compassionate Samurai: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World by Brian Klemmer 

Review date will be: August 28th

 Synopsis:  In life there are two types of people. The first are those who are nice, good-hearted, and compassionate but can’t make much happen. The other kind can make everything happen—they’re the creators, the go-getters, and the aggressive producers in society—however, they’re often self-centered, greedy, and unethical.Wouldn’t it be great if you could make things happen in a really big way but not lose your integrity? The Compassionate Samurai will show you the way to produce extraordinary results in a dog-eat-dog world and still maintain the highest levels of ethics.

 The Compassionate Sumarai (Amazon link for purchase)

 Let's gather to talk about doing what's required to live an extraordinary life.  Great food, great company, great book---We welcome men and women---Hope to see you there!!!!!

***Vision Board Party details coming soon.  
We will NOT host the vision board party at this event so...... STAY TUNED!!!!