Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rise and Shine with a little revelation!

I was running early this morning and as the sun was coming up I felt this amazing feeling and had a revelation instantly.  The voice said that true love feels just like this moment. It is fearless, beautiful, breathless, amazing, free flowing, awesome, simple, uplifting, captivating, and spiritual.  I was really overwhelmed by the beauty of the sun rising and I was connected to its energy. That is how real love feels. It is a natural and spiritual connection with another person that transcends anything superficial and earthly. Sometimes people come along and they try to impress you with worldly things and lies about what they think love is, but that stuff is all meaningless (see Ecclesiastics). Real love must be a  spiritual connection because it takes that type of connection to love someone unconditionally and also to forgive them throughout the journey.  Real love is something worth waiting for. And if you find it in your significant other, then marry him or her.

Also, you may think that the little things you do for others everyday does not make a difference but it does. Blessing sometimes come in small packages. Smiling, listening, sharing, holding, hugging,  caring, loving, honoring, and supporting, are all blessings that we can give to the people around us for free. You don't need fame or money to change lives or to help people because you can do it everyday with your actions.

If we all were dedicated to making just the smallest difference in each others lives then we would all see the big picture which is one of love.

~ Chi the Love Bug:)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Guest Post: Single and Satisfied?

Is there a such thing as being single and satisfied? What if one desires to be in a relationship but the future appears bleak? Does that mean they are meant to be single for the rest of their life? God did make Eve for Adam.... why isn’t there anyone for me? All of the previous questions are valid and I am sure they have run through every single man or woman’s head at one point in time. Whether you are single now or have been single before, each of us have considered at least 1 of the 4 inquires.

With any relationship, whether it be a friendship, marriage, or parenting, satisfaction is developed. Satisfaction is simply the state of gratification, the contentment felt after the right action is taken.  We can all get to our desired level of satisfaction as single people. We have to learn how to be content, single with God, before he can bring another person into our lives. If we want to truly be happy and satisfied in our relationships, we must first learn ourselves and develop satisfaction as single individuals. God has every intention of bringing us our mates as long as we have that desire.

Genesis 2:18 states: “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”  When you are not in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex, or “single”, that does not mean you are alone. God is always with you. In fact, God wants to use this time with you developing a single heart with him.  As earthly vessels God’s intentions are to give us the desires of our hearts however, our hearts must be ready. The objective as a single person is to develop “singleness in heart” with God. The missing void in your life should be filled with God and his word. Allow him to work on you and prepare your heart for a relationship. Yes I know this is easier said than done, however, how can you expect to get a diploma without completing the necessary high school courses? One cannot expect to be in a meaningful and fruitful relationship without knowing themselves. This requires development as a single person. Before you take delight in a mate, take delight in The Lord and allow his word to satisfy you. The Lord's will is everything you want, more than you expect, and far beyond your imagination!  Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Single and Satisfied,

~Lady B

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not your Judas: I can play any role but that one.

Not your Judas - I can play any role but that.

Judas Iscariot is known as the infamous backstabber in the bible. Sometimes we question if he had a choice in playing the person who betrays Jesus. I mean somebody had to do it in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled, but I wonder if it had to be Judas. What I am saying is that yes God has written our stories and certain things are supposed to happen, but do we have the free will in playing certain roles. What if Judas didn’t succumb to his feelings of jealousy and fear and opted out. What if Judas said no and then Cleofus (made up name) the other deviant disciple became the one who betrayed Jesus. The story would still have the same outcome but different characters. Let’s look at the situations below.

Situation 1: So you meet a guy at work that you think is handsome and the two of you share a moment. A deep deep moment. Ola la!! There is something so perfect about this guy; unfortunately for you he is perfectly married. You think to yourself, “God could this be my soul mate” and you begin to justify every reason in your mind why this guy and you were meant to be together. What is even crazier is that you are also unhappily married and looking for any reason to leave your current situation. Office guy isn’t helping because just like you, he is itching for an escape out of his reality and flirts with you. Shall we say weekend getaway perhaps? Conundrum!

Situation 2: You are a pop artist who just signed a record deal with a major label and your dreams are finally happening. You soon find out that the label is changing your image to a raunchier one. If you don't do it, the other chick they just signed will. Knowing that if you get this new fake butt to up your sales you may damage the self esteem of millions of little girls who are unhappy with their self image. You say, "Let their parents talk to them about loving themselves. I aint a role model", as you begin to count all the money you will make from your new stripper booty and sexually ambiguous lyrics. Drop it like its hot!
Situation 3: So the pastor put you in charge of the collection plate and times are hard. Pastor is flying in private jets and you have no ac in your vehicle. " Where is the blessing", you scream in your piping hot ride as you watch the head of your church jump into his pricy ice cold autoban. You know that there has to be others also stealing from the church and you think even the pastor is as well. Why not you…right?

All three examples are situations where you could be easily tempted and become a betrayer of someone. You can betray your spouse, the church, and even your own values. The fact is a cheating man is going to step out on his wife, but don't let that person be you. Record labels continue to pump out negative artists but you don't have to be one of them. Some church members are low down and breaking all the rules, but you don't have to follow suit. If you are presented with a test, then tell that situation, " I am not your Judus," and keep moving forward. Life is a stage and we are all merely players, but try your best not to play certain roles... you dig.      

Love ~ Chi
Check out this video - JC SUPERSTAR - HEAVEN ON THEIR MINDS - Brilliant!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Perfect One

Meeting and accepting the person that's Mr. or Mrs. Right.  How difficult does it seem?  Yet, how difficult is it?  More often than not, we hear both males and females talk about all the great ideas they have regarding how “the perfect one” will look, talk, sound, act, and the grueling list goes on and on.  Many people promise that “THE LIST,” a sheet of paper containing tons of fantastic words describing the perfect mate, is a guaranteed way to focus on and get the person you want.  Yes the list may sound perfect but is there really a perfect mate?
“Just Wright” a movie starring Queen Latifah and Common, isn’t a film where people sit around to talk about meeting the right guy, rather it shows what happens when the right one shows up.  The movie is anchored by a beautiful women who desires to become married to a professional athlete for all the wrong reasons.  She has a list and is determined to check off every item she’s listed.  At first glance it’s hilarious but this women does everything she can to make sure she plays the game right so that Mr. Right, takes the bait and makes the catch.  On the opposite spectrum, the movie shows what happens when the right person just shows up.   No pre-made list, fantasy driven ideas, or stereotypical images, just the right person. 
More often than not, we’re consumed with pre-conceived ideas of what we want.  This conviction causes us to automatically shut down when someone comes around who doesn’t fit the perception of what we think we want.  We simply miss it and fail to give any attention to the idea that although they’re not a perfect match, that they could actually be the one.  Just think about it.  How often do you hear your friends say they want somebody!  And then once somebody attempts to come along, they are dismissed by your friend because they don’t make the cut.  The list comes out and they’re excused because of their body type, hair length, skin complexion, job, bank account, car, family, friends, diet, and the list just keeps going.  And at the end of the day once again your friend still hasn’t found anyone, and especially not "the one."
Now does “the list” have merit or value?  Absolutely!  We must know what we would like to have and set standards to things that are absolute deal breakers.  Yet, we can’t be so completely attached to a list that it gives us no room to look up and experience a whiff of fresh air when someone comes along that’s not an exact match.  The beauty in relationships, is sharing life with someone who allows you to be free enough to be who you are and willing to go through life with you during seasons of change.  At the end of the day it’s that person you want to embrace, not a list.
There's something different in the air today....enjoy it's freshness!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Play like a kid!

 I read this Article called reclaiming your creativity written by William Grace Frost co-founder of Ekastasis and of the Butterfly Peace Path. I encourage you to Google him. The article presents several good suggestions on how to energize your creativity. The two suggestions that stood out to me were to fine tune your awareness and to do something new every day. Fine tuning your awareness is about being present in the moment that you are in. Staying present is hard to do if you have worked yourself into an everyday routine. I mean you can literally coast through your day on auto pilot. I read in another article that the best way to practice being in tune or present is to practice being completely aware of your surroundings for a minute every ten minutes. I also liked his suggestion to do something new every day. Again, this breaks up a hum drum life. Try a new flavor of ice cream, buy a stranger some lunch, go planking or owling. Do something you have never done every day and I am sure it will give you new experiences which will jump start your creativity.
 The suggestion that Frosts presents in his article that really caught my attention was to play like a kid. How many times do we drop everything we are doing and challenge the person next to us to a race. Sounds crazy right? What about playing a game of kickball, dodge ball, twister, hide and go seek, or even tag with a group of adult friends. Kids get real joy and laughter when they are playing. Adults need to play sometimes. I think as we get older we forget how to have real wholesome fun. 
 Fun is not always in the night club. It might be on a big open field with a water gun in hand. I think I’m going to try Mr. Frost suggestions which are being present, doing something new every day, and playing like a kid. I can’t wait to see what creative energy I am going to stir up. You try it to and comment.

Be Virtuous


Friday, July 8, 2011

Join the Virtue~Us Book Club


Join us as we embark on book#4:

The Compassionate Samurai: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World by Brian Klemmer 

Review date will be: August 28th

 Synopsis:  In life there are two types of people. The first are those who are nice, good-hearted, and compassionate but can’t make much happen. The other kind can make everything happen—they’re the creators, the go-getters, and the aggressive producers in society—however, they’re often self-centered, greedy, and unethical.Wouldn’t it be great if you could make things happen in a really big way but not lose your integrity? The Compassionate Samurai will show you the way to produce extraordinary results in a dog-eat-dog world and still maintain the highest levels of ethics.

 The Compassionate Sumarai (Amazon link for purchase)

 Let's gather to talk about doing what's required to live an extraordinary life.  Great food, great company, great book---We welcome men and women---Hope to see you there!!!!!

***Vision Board Party details coming soon.  
We will NOT host the vision board party at this event so...... STAY TUNED!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Can a sistah breath? Why is the media and cinema so obsessed with the plight of the black female.

It seems like every time I turn around I read or hear something negative about African American women. First it was that terrible article in Psychology Today that some researcher wrote about black women being the most unattractive out of all women on earth. Then the documentary called Dark Girls about the troubles of dark skinned sisters in America. The preview shows a few dark skinned black women painfully sharing their stories about being a darker shade. The women are crying…it is hard to watch. Thanks to Tyler Perry and the creators of Precious I need to take a box of tissue to the movie theatre and prepare to cry from stories about black women who have been hurt, beaten, and abused. I mean I felt like all the women at the end of Tyler Perry’s For Colored Girls should have jumped off the roof it was so depressing. Then there is the growing Aids rate and STD in African American Women. When did being a black woman get to be so troubling.

Over the last few years we have had some big triumphs. The president is married to an intelligent black woman. Disney gave us not only a black princess but a dark skinned princess at that. Yes she was a frog for 75% of the movie and married a Brazilian prince instead of an African prince, but you have to start somewhere..right? Also Queen Oprah created her own network and gracefully retired. Things are looking up right?

At the top of this week on WVEE Jill Scott gave a wonderful interview in which she talked about several things, one being her ideal man. She positively listed all of her wants in a man. Then the tables turned when Frank Ski read a response from one of his listeners. The listener stated all the things he didn’t want in an ATL woman. One major factor he talked about was that ATL women need hobbies or at least a good personality. I think he made a valid point, but the manner he did it in felt like an attack yet again on Black women and our problems. The listener was tired of meeting women who were always on the phone and couldn’t carry a decent conversation. Some of the words he used were ghetto, back fat having, stinking, cell phone talking, no-personality having baby mamas. Some of things he said were funny, but at the same time I was angered because it was so negative. I am so over the media, movies, psychologist, radio personalities, and actors telling black women why we can’t get a man, aren’t married, or how we need to fix ourselves. I am also tired of the black woman being treated like a commodity in rap videos or in advertisements like the controversial picture used in this blog.  

Honestly I don’t want to cry anymore.I want to celebrate!  I think it is time to heal from the hateful acts that were committed to us in the past and start finding ways to focus on the positive things black women are doing. Now that we know all of our problems how can we start taking some ownership on issues, healing, and fixing our problems. `Lets celebrate!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Disappearing Act

So thirty days or less into your voyage of new found love, you find yourself staring at your phone, no call, no text no email.  You are baffled beyond belief because your new flame has suddenly gone awol and you can’t figure out why.  Everything appeared to be moving smoothly.  Great phone conversation, fun dates, strong chemistry…so what changed?  You find yourself getting worried at first.  Then annoyed.  Then livid because you are beginning to feel like you played yourself again by opening your heart to another jerk who just walked all over it. So what to do?  Back track.  Three critical factors can determine if you are simply over reacting or if you need to move on Expectations, Self examination, Exhibited behavior.  
Let’s begin with expectations.  Typically the rule of thumb is, if you’re not married, anything goes.  Meaning, when you are dating, everyone is fair game and unless communication has transpired to indicate otherwise this is a rule that you must always remember.  The key point in dating is to provide yourself with a plethora of prospects that you can assess to identify a good mate.  This can’t be achieved if you only date one person.  So when dating always remember the purpose of dating, keep an open mind and remember your prospect may also be seeking his treasure in the midst of a sea of gems. 
Self- examination is the next step.  How you conduct yourself in the beginning of the relationship will determine how your prospect perceives you and ultimately treat you.  Did you come off as desperate or insecure?  Did you put on a representative that did not represent your true self?  Did you present yourself as a video vixen or as a Queen?   Did you truly come off as someone who is trying to build a good friendship or did you come off as psycho/stalker girl? 
In the process of it all how did he behave?  Did he exhibit qualities of someone who is respectful? Or did he call you last minute to see you, have no idea where to take you b/c you were the afterthought (aka back up plan) so you two spend the last minute trying to find something to do that doesn’t cost much of anything.  Did he sincerely seem interested in you as a person or did he only seem interested in the things you could do for him?  If he did come off as a first class jerk, did you put up with it?  Often a guy will test you to see how much you value yourself and if you act as if you don’t they will not take you seriously as prospective future material.  Finally through it all did you remember to keep God’s standard as your standard?  Remember, if God is the King and we are his children we are of royal lineage and our conduct should reflect such.  Often we get so caught up in trying to please people we forget about pleasing God and in the process we totally lose ourselves and end up disappointed with the return from our investment.  But when we keep our vertical relationship in harmony with God the reality is it allows us to have a solid horizontal relationship with others that yield a return that is substantial and rewarding.  So instead of sitting by the phone and giving yourself a headache, realize that God has extraordinary things in store for you and if this person is for you it will work out without any compromising techniques and if they are not, God has better waiting so there is absolutely no need to lose any sleep over the situation at hand.  

Sunni Williams is a connoisseur of culture, life adventures and positivity.  She holds a BS in Broadcast Journalism and an MBA in Business Management. She has received national recognition for leadership and is currently working on a novel.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Princess Drama: Everything prior true loves kiss

Princess Drama: Everything prior true loves kiss

It’s kind of hard out here for a Princess! If anyone would know, it would be me. I mean you have evil queens and witches trying to bring you down or cast a spell on you. It is always a challenge trying to stay absolutely lovely while cleaning up and taking care of dwarfs. And how is a girl supposed to eat her fruits and vegetables when a wicked witch is poisoning apples. Also, how is Prince Charming supposed to find you when you are locked away in a tower or hidden in a forest singing songs to woodland creatures. 

Seriously, I was thinking about the life of a fairytale princess and somehow found it to be very similar to my real life. I am sure a lot of women (maybe a few dudes) can say the same.
 Most people see the Prince as a major character in the fairytale, but really he is just a supporting role. The story always revolves around a young maiden who is of royal status and doesn’t really know her worth. The people around her know how truly special she is and want to help her, but can’t because of her tragic circumstance. There is an authoritative figure that is jealous of her beauty, status, or power and tries to keep the princess from discovering her greatness by any means necessary. Yes, the prince or her "opportunity" to leave her present situation is waiting to present himself, but first she has to overcome her obstacles in life. Once she realizes her worth, her dreams can come true and I am sure she graduates from being princes to being a queen.

What trials are you facing that you need to destroy in order to meet your prince aka opportunity? Maybe you are being groomed for greatness and once you beat that evil queen or bad situation, then you can walk into your destiny with infinite possibilities. 

Yes, one day your Prince will come, but until then work on becoming a queen so when your opportunity knocks, you will be ready with your glass slipper in hand.

Love ya!

~ Chi

Friday, May 27, 2011


Look at that face. It reminds you of the face of an aunt or mother. It could be the face of your successful sister you've always looked up to who was always there to give great advice. She knows the best clothes to wear, the best books to read, the best restaurants to frequent, and all her friends are educated and fascinating. That is how I like to think of Oprah, as that cool big sister to millions.

The Final O-Moment
It wasn’t a studio filled with big-named celebrities, there were no flashing lights, no cars or fancy trips being given away, it was just Oprah.  After 25 years the queen of day-time television said goodbye to the audience of the Oprah Winfrey show, millions of viewers who tuned in everyday to witness a show that generated hope, passion, validation, and change for so many.  In her final hour Oprah decided to leave the world with what I’ll term-Ospiration, tidbits of her truths, her knowledge, her wisdom, her hopes. 
Oprah Winfrey is a prime example of the slogan “Anything is Possible. “  Since the start of her career she’s broken the box of containment.  Despite hearing you’re too big, too dark, to this or to that, in her career she found a way to fit, she also found a way to create a large platform of success for herself as well as those around her. 
In a sense Oprah’s last show was a call to arms for everyone watching, regardless of age, race, career field, or life history.  Amongst her love notes to the world, she stressed the importance of taking responsibility for your life,  figuring out what you were called to do and getting about the business of doing it.  She stressed that when you're called to do something, "it lights you up, and it lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing." In her message she stressed how each person has their own stage, no matter how large or small, of people to reach, and that you must allow your life to speak for you.  What she wanted the world to receive from her show was to learn to "live from the heart of yourself" know "what sparks the life in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world."  Thank you Lady O for illuminating millions around the world with your light.  We appreciate you.  Continue to let your light shine as we continue illuminating the stage with the light we've been given.  
Dee/Chi/and So Many Others.......continue to Shine!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playing it safe - Is fear holding you back?

Playing it safe
There is no artistic evolution in playing it safe. An actor doesn’t fully connect with the character on a higher level when he or she plays it safe. Art that plays it safe doesn’t inspire conversation, change perspectives, or challenge traditional norms. There is something about giving yourself entirely to your dream that is more fulfilling than receiving success or even failing at the pursuit of happiness. It is like telling someone you love them even if there is a possibility that the person of interest may not feel the same way.  You are risking everything to find solace in a truth that would not be revealed if you refuse to step out and find it. What am I talking about? I’m talking about never stepping out of your comfort zone, never being completely open to failure. Some of the wealthiest people are risk takers and some of the bums on the street are that too. Although nobody wants to take a risk and be a bum, at least the bum can say I made an attempt to live out my dreams.  The only person who really wins when you play it safe is the enemy (my church folk know who I’m talking about). You see the enemy wins when you don’t strive for greatness, or operate above your potential. When you play it safe you are not living your best life, which is what God wants for you.  
One day you are going to wake up and not have the gusto to run that marathon, travel overseas, sky dive, build that multi-million dollar corporation, or even tell that guy or gal how you really feel. There is no better time to release any type of fear that is holding you back than today.
This morning I watched a news story about a high school wrestling champ with no legs who was teaching a young boy without feet how to wrestle.  How can we complain or operate in fear when it comes to our dreams when there are people on this earth doing the impossible.
DREAM but don’t stay dreaming! This year its time to Do You!
 Virtue ~ Us Chi  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sweet. Simple. To the Point.

What's your vision?  How long have you had this vision?  Is this vision generating income for you so that you have enough profit to pay your bills?  If not, are you working a part-time or full-time job and created a plan that will allow you to eventually work your vision full-time?  Vision.  What's yours?  The REALITY is..... the vision will always be there, it will never go away.  Pursue your vision, live it, accept it, love it, carry it, protect it, deserve it, strengthen it, embrace it, exploit it, admire it, catch it, own it.  
It's yours.  The REALITY will never go away.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Neo Mom


As I was coming home from the gym after a quick workout, I recalled a conversation I had with a friend about getting old and turning into a "mommy" after having kids. Back in the olden days when women got married and had kids they abandoned their young and hip look for the look of “the mommy”. Mommies are pudgy from baby fat, they wear short hair cuts to show their maturity, they wear high water pants pulled up to the waist, and somehow every bit of sexuality is drained out of their bodies. That particular mommy look still exists but I believe it will one day be extinct. With the pressure to stay in shape and to look young, you find a lot of women taking on the neo mom look. The neo mom is hot! Neo mom quickly sheds the baby weight and bounces back. She is on a diet while she is pregnant as a matter of fact. She is in the latest gear. Her hairstyle is trendy. Basically neo mom doesn't miss a beat. I am sure the increase in the divorce rate has forces women with kids to get back in shape and back in the market.

With all that being said, I actually believe that the neo mom is the healthier option. Eating healthy portions while you are pregnant will keep you from gaining massive weight and I am sure is good for the baby. Also, keeping yourself in shape does wonders for your self esteem. I think keeping yourself together helps you  avoid losing yourself in marriage or in the mommy role. You should be mommy but you shouldn’t lose your identity. I am sure keeping yourself together once you have kids is a major challenge. I guess what I’m saying is that times are changing and you can make a choice to have the traditional mommy look or be a neo mom. You don’t have to lose yourself. As long as you want to stay fit and trendy then you can. Thoughts?   

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just Say It!

We say it to young children all the time-"Use words and tell me what you want!"  The child then attempts to articulate their desire so they can be understood and have exactly what they want.  For many adults, this basic learned technique of saying what you want gets lost at some point in life.  Perhaps some choose not to speak certain desires as a result of having too many instances of being disappointed.  Regardless of the reason, there are people all over the country who have forgotten the basic principle of saying what you want.

This weekend I overheard someone speaking on the difference between the passive person who never speaks what they want versus the person who has enough confidence to boldly declare the things they desire.  Their conclusion was if you're passive and never speak up don't expect too much out of life.  It's very true and easy to understand- how can you expect to receive something that no one even knows you want!  It's those who are confident enough to say "I want this" or "I don't want this, "I like that" or "No, this doesn't work for me" who are on track to receiving what they desire.  Even if they don't get an immediate yes to their request, they've spoken what they wanted and have prepared themselves to ultimately be on track to receive a yes someday.  The truth is you will have someone tell you no.  Get over it, it happens. But imagine how wonderful it will be when you push past being uncomfortable and afraid of hearing no and actually let someone know exactly what it is that you want and finally hear Yes!  Bottom line: you'll never know what you can or can't have, until you say exactly what it is that you want.    
Words have power.  In the Bible God used words to create and we can do the same.   Our ability or lack of ability to have certain things in our life are directly related to the words we speak.  Today I encourage everyone to move forward speaking those things we desire or don't desire for our lives.  Continue to speak them in confidence until they manifest.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goody Goody!!!

Goody Goody!!!
Is anyone an undercover Ned Flanders fan like I am? I mean I love Ned Flanders!!!  I’ve wanted to write a blog about Ned Flanders for a while and I think today is the day. 

So I was out at diner a couple of months ago and someone mentioned how much they hate do-gooders or goody two shoes.  The comment caught me off guard because I had never heard someone openly say they hate people who pride themselves on being good.  I guess a lot of people don’t like “Goody Goody” folk. I mean Homer Simpson is constantly tormenting Ned and his family because they are religious and sooooo good. I like Ned. He is super positive and has a loving family. His sons are obedient and respectful. His wife is his number one fan and is supportive.  In my mind Ned has it going on. Even though he may be a cornball or nerd in the eyes of many, he has a lot to be thankful for. He is blessed! I can relate with Ned %100.   

This is not going to be one of those super deep blogs. I just wanted to say to all the Ned Flanders of the world to keep doing you and stay super optimistic, super Christian (or whatever your religion), and super happy! Okely-dokely!
