Not your Judas - I can play any role but that.

1: So you meet a guy at work that you
think is handsome and the two of you share a moment. A deep deep moment. Ola
la!! There is something so perfect about this guy; unfortunately for you he is
perfectly married. You think to yourself, “God could this be my soul mate” and
you begin to justify every reason in your mind why this guy and you were meant
to be together. What is even crazier is that you are also unhappily married and
looking for any reason to leave your current situation. Office guy isn’t
helping because just like you, he is itching for an escape out of his reality
and flirts with you. Shall we say weekend getaway perhaps? Conundrum!
2: You are a pop artist who just signed a
record deal with a major label and your dreams are finally happening. You soon
find out that the label is changing your image to a raunchier one. If you don't
do it, the other chick they just signed will. Knowing that if you get this new
fake butt to up your sales you may damage the self esteem of millions of little
girls who are unhappy with their self image. You say, "Let their parents
talk to them about loving themselves. I aint a role model", as you begin
to count all the money you will make from your new stripper booty and sexually ambiguous
lyrics. Drop it like its hot!
Situation 3: So
the pastor put you in charge of the collection plate and times are hard. Pastor
is flying in private jets and you have no ac in your vehicle. " Where is
the blessing", you scream in your piping hot ride as you watch the head of
your church jump into his pricy ice cold autoban. You know that there has to be
others also stealing from the church and you think even the pastor is as well.
Why not you…right?
three examples are situations where you could be easily tempted and become a
betrayer of someone. You can betray your spouse, the church, and even your own values.
The fact is a cheating man is going to step out on his wife, but don't let that
person be you. Record labels continue to pump out negative artists but you don't have to be one of them. Some church members are low down and breaking
all the rules, but you don't have to follow suit. If you are presented with a
test, then tell that situation, " I am not your Judus," and keep
moving forward. Life is a stage and we are all merely players, but try your
best not to play certain roles... you dig.
Love ~
Check out this video - JC SUPERSTAR - HEAVEN ON THEIR MINDS - Brilliant!