Is there a such thing as being single and satisfied? What if one desires to be in a relationship but the future appears bleak? Does that mean they are meant to be single for the rest of their life? God did make Eve for Adam.... why isn’t there anyone for me? All of the previous questions are valid and I am sure they have run through every single man or woman’s head at one point in time. Whether you are single now or have been single before, each of us have considered at least 1 of the 4 inquires.
With any relationship, whether it be a friendship, marriage, or parenting, satisfaction is developed. Satisfaction is simply the state of gratification, the contentment felt after the right action is taken. We can all get to our desired level of satisfaction as single people. We have to learn how to be content, single with God, before he can bring another person into our lives. If we want to truly be happy and satisfied in our relationships, we must first learn ourselves and develop satisfaction as single individuals. God has every intention of bringing us our mates as long as we have that desire.
Genesis 2:18 states: “And the LORD God said, It is not good that
the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” When you are not in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex, or “single”, that does not mean you are alone. God is always with you. In fact, God wants to use this time with you developing a single heart with him. As earthly vessels God’s intentions are to give us the desires of our hearts however, our hearts must be ready. The objective as a single person is to develop “singleness in heart” with God. The missing void in your life should be filled with God and his word. Allow him to work on you and prepare your heart for a relationship. Yes I know this is easier said than done, however, how can you expect to get a diploma without completing the necessary high school courses? One cannot expect to be in a meaningful and fruitful relationship without knowing themselves. This requires development as a single person. Before you take delight in a mate, take delight in The Lord and allow his word to satisfy you. The Lord's will is everything you want, more than you expect, and far beyond your imagination! Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Single and Satisfied,
~Lady B