The table was surrounded with beautiful women. Women whose hues of brown ranged from vanilla to chocolate, whose shapes were a mixture of curves which fell in various places, whose hair was a mixture of length, style and texture. Although the setting was a local restaurant in East Point, GA on a Sunday afternoon surrounded by other people, these women were completely NAKED, revealing their innermost thoughts, fears, insecurities, accomplishments, dreams, self beliefs, and goals. Being brought together with the concept of being a part of something as simple as a book club. They all sat discussing the "issues-skin, hair, jobs, health, relationships, love, media, beauty", laughing, tapping into hidden emotions and experiences that made them aware that their commonalities far outweighed their differences. Each of these women walked away revealing some part of themselves which had been covered and unknown by every other woman at the table. They walked away with some type of information that could have easily caused the person sharing to become quite embarrassed in another setting. Each of these women were open, honest, curious, and real while at that small table- a table filled with soul food, sandwiches, sweet potato pie, ice cream, drinks, water and coffee. These women were the first to decide to become a part of a book club and take on the first challenge of being open about themselves and their beliefs. After discussing the book NAKED: Black Women Bare All About Their Skin, Hair, Lips, and Other Parts, these women walked away empowered in some way, realizing that their circle had just gotten a little bigger with a group of outsiders, who within those couple of hours had become a part. I must admit, it felt pretty good to walk away completely naked.
*Stay tuned for more photos and for the announcement of our next book club event!*
*Also check out
AKMCCOY's BLOG @ http://www.soulatease.com
Here's an excerpt of one her recent posts. Hope you enjoy and be sure to follow her blog!
He has taken inventory of my heart, there is nothing there that He cannot heal, handle, or provide. I am no great mystery to the omniscient ONE. His grace is like a second skin, His joy, a garment of silk.......
Thanks for the love ladies. :)