Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Unexpected

Life is filled with moments you'd never expect.  Today I was watching a video and one of the girls singing in this group was originally a part of another group. I couldn't help but wonder how unexpected it may have been for her to leave her original group and be presented with an opportunity to partner up with a different group.  I guess seeing this made me think about my own journey of things I never expected.  Lately I've been approached with some great opportunities from unexpected places.  What's odd is that most of the people I thought would extend an opportunity, friendship or partnership haven't.  But people I barely know are coming forth with joint venture ideas, business opportunities, or just unexpected blessings.

Sometimes the places we're most familiar with are those we expect to receive the greatest opportunities from.  A lot of times we condition ourselves to believe we should stay there because of an expectation; we tend to cling to those places (or people) hoping that what we expected from them will produce itself.  Have you ever considered that maybe those places are a part of your life temporarily so that you can improve in some way and move on once you have?  There is something to be learned from every relationship, whether that relationship is business or personal or both.  There's also something to be learned from an experience whether it was expected or unexpected.  Embracing the unexpected with open arms versus immediately closing yourself off can make a world of difference. 

Every day I realize life is one big world that's full of the unexpected- unexpected people, business, relationships, events. Even writing about unexpected things in this blog tonight was unexpected.  In the past I've had a tendency to shy away from things that were unexpected because they were exactly that- unexpected and unforeseen. Finally, I'm learning to not always ride the waves of my expectations but to be ok if suddenly the wind changes directions and what I expected to happen is totally out the window.  Why?  Because in some cases once you let go of the expectations you had, you end up with results that are completely unexpected, and much better than any expectation you would have ever imagined.

Embracing it all,


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