I recently found myself in a situation where my trust relationship with someone very close to me was damaged. I must say it felt like a huge slap in the face. I was very upset and almost instantly all my other relationships were affected by it. I began to look at everyone as someone who could intentionally hurt me. I guess this is a normal reaction, especially when you're hurt by someone who is close to you. But what this incident did was automatically pull me back into a world that lacked trust which for me is not a place I enjoyed.
So what do you do? When someone hurts you, do you automatically shut everyone else out to stop the possibility of being hurt again? The old me would have done exactly that-closed all the windows, locked all the doors because nobody was getting in! Somewhere along these streets of living I was fortunate enough to hear a quote that completely helped me in my process of learning to trust others. It read: "I don't have to be afraid to be vulnerable. If I'm vulnerable to you and you hurt me, I'll turn to God and He'll heal me."
Reading this quote back then put my opposition to trust at rest. I learned and am still aware that everyone will not have good intentions towards me, but no matter what someone does to me God will help me and heal me from whatever pain that person may have caused. So today I choose to trust- even the person I mentioned earlier I choose to love and although cautious, I trust that one day I will be able to completely trust them again. I realize that when you choose not to trust, you're choosing to place limits on God's ability to take care of you when your heart is broken. You're also closing doors for friendships with people who truly would like to have a relationship with you without harming you. So what do you do when someone hurts you? You trust God, and you truly believe that He'll stop your tears from falling and heal your broken heart.
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