Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Degree of Separation

If you're a superstar and your family lives in poverty what is the thing that separates you? -MONEY.
If you live in Georgia and your family lives in California what is the thing that separates you? -DISTANCE.
We are all separated in some way from our families, yet at the same time we are always in some way connected to them. 

Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room of a hospital that was the place to be when I was a child. My mother would wrap us up and we would always come to this hospital, to sit in this waiting room forever and ever. Now as an adult this hospital isn't my first choice, but tonight as I was driving family members to a hospital this hospital was their first choice.  It made me realize that no matter what status or changes you encounter in life, there is only one degree of separation between you and family. Unless you've for some reason completly disconnected yourself from family, they will always be a part of you in some way, connected to both your past and present for some purpose.

Truthfully, its this way no matter what your status or their status of success is in life.  If I was broke and needed something my immediate family would most likely be the first people I'd call and vice-versa.  Even with success you always want your immediate family to ride the journey with you.  So I guess this event to this hospital on this night brought me back to basics.  Sometimes you can travel to far away places, leave behind everything and everyone you've known and loved, and reach a certain status of success. However at the end of the day, distance nor time can erase that one degree of separation that is easily shortened to reconnect you back to the places and people with whom you experienced your first steps, first smiles, tears, and so much more with.

I think its good to always be in remembrance of these things, people and experiences. They remind us of where we first began before we had any motives beside the motive of being loved and accepted. No matter where you are in life the basics always remind you that you started from somewhere, that you had a beginning and that that beginning should always be just as important as your end.  No matter where you are in life today, learn to embrace your beginning and end with open arms.


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