As soon as I think I can't stand R Kelly, he creates a song that I fall in love with. I just wanted to share this video. Check it out.
When a woman loves a man.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Quotes: On Learning
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes constantly more valuable regardless of physical capacity. <Harvery Ullman>
Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. <Denis Waitley>
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. <Brian Trac>
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way. <Doris Lessing>
All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence. <Denis Waitley>
*Continue to learn, to inspire, to become..[you fill it in]... *
Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. <Denis Waitley>
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. <Brian Trac>
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way. <Doris Lessing>
All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence. <Denis Waitley>
*Continue to learn, to inspire, to become..[you fill it in]... *
Friday, October 29, 2010
So its Halloween weekend and I’m in the same situation I was in last year with my “relationship”. What a major case of Dejavu. This year instead of trying to dance my problems away, I’ll be taking it light. Although I feel my anti social behavior may be looked at as not moving on, I think it’s a great chance to reflect and meditate. Nothing is wrong with taking time for yourself to think about everything that has happened in your life. The club or “party” will always be there but my peace of mind will not. Sometimes it feels like the world will not slow down to give you chances to breath, but you have to give yourself that time. You have to say, “this day is my day” and do everything that you want to do. I think it is ok sometime to be a little selfish if it means your wellbeing. Life is short and should be enjoyed to the fullest. So enjoy it without any regrets.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
You Need to Grow Up!
Control. Webster defines it as "to have power over." So often we would like to control those we love and I'm sure at some point in life you've gotten a call about a family or close friend who found themselves in a bad situation once again and all you could do was shake your head and think "What are they thinking?!!!" Sometimes those closest to us can make really bad decisions. At times these decisions can cause you to try to find ways to fix their mistake (no matter how recurring it may be) and help out, lead to unwelcome stress, sleepless nights, and a lot of pain. You may even want to shake them and yell "YOU NEED TO GROW UP!!!!" Perhaps delivering this one statement is the best piece of advice and the only action you need to give them. Perhaps this is the one truth they need to receive that will change their life-gaining the ability to grow up.
Growing up for some is difficult, especially if that person is used to depending on loved ones to bail them out on every occassion. An old saying I'll rephrase is, "if you don't teach a man to fish but just give him the food, he'll keep coming back looking for food." It's true! You have to teach people to grow up and and best way to teach someone who refuses to do it on their own is to release control. To stop trying to keep everything under control and just let them live, learn, make a mistake, and learn how to correct the mistake on their own (especially if it's a mistake that continues to be a mistake each time the mistake is made). There is something wrong with creating a clean-up habit whenever someone we love makes a mistake. It only teaches them that no matter what they do it's ok, because so and so will be there to fix it and clean it up.
My family was together this weekend and my great-aunt who is in her 80's saw a family member who have been finding themselves in trouble consistently for at least the last 5-6 years. She saw them and said "Who is that? I almost didn't recognize you." She hugged them and then tells them they've gotten bigger... in her nice older person way (smile). But then as they walked away she spoke wisdom- she said "That baby is growning up." And they are. THEY HAVE DECIDED, after years of having other people try to fix their mistakes, to GROW UP. Something I realized as I was driving home tonight is you can't control someone and force them to grow up, they have to decide for themselves, gain control for themselves. You can only guide them in their process, help them when they need you, but realize when it's time to force them out of their pupa state and allow them to transform into a beautiful butterfly by making the DECISION to grow up.
So the next time you get that phone call be prepared, it may the shortest but most difficult phone call yet.
Growing up for some is difficult, especially if that person is used to depending on loved ones to bail them out on every occassion. An old saying I'll rephrase is, "if you don't teach a man to fish but just give him the food, he'll keep coming back looking for food." It's true! You have to teach people to grow up and and best way to teach someone who refuses to do it on their own is to release control. To stop trying to keep everything under control and just let them live, learn, make a mistake, and learn how to correct the mistake on their own (especially if it's a mistake that continues to be a mistake each time the mistake is made). There is something wrong with creating a clean-up habit whenever someone we love makes a mistake. It only teaches them that no matter what they do it's ok, because so and so will be there to fix it and clean it up.
My family was together this weekend and my great-aunt who is in her 80's saw a family member who have been finding themselves in trouble consistently for at least the last 5-6 years. She saw them and said "Who is that? I almost didn't recognize you." She hugged them and then tells them they've gotten bigger... in her nice older person way (smile). But then as they walked away she spoke wisdom- she said "That baby is growning up." And they are. THEY HAVE DECIDED, after years of having other people try to fix their mistakes, to GROW UP. Something I realized as I was driving home tonight is you can't control someone and force them to grow up, they have to decide for themselves, gain control for themselves. You can only guide them in their process, help them when they need you, but realize when it's time to force them out of their pupa state and allow them to transform into a beautiful butterfly by making the DECISION to grow up.
So the next time you get that phone call be prepared, it may the shortest but most difficult phone call yet.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
To be or not to be a Christian?
A message for Christians
For those of you who attend church you know that when you are rededicating yourself to God or join a new church you have to make that long journey down to the front of the church. That walk is your first right of passage into the Christian faith. Now after you attend your new membership classes and get your membership number you feel unstoppable. Then something happens. You are driving down the interstate and someone almost runs into you and your middle finger goes up. Maybe you engage in some entertaining conversation with a friend or coworker that turns into gossip and eventually you are giving a hearty laugh at someone else’s misfortune. You could also have every finger and leg crossed and somehow just like at a baby shower you slip up and someone catches you off guard. What I’m saying is once the Holy Roller mist dissipates and you’re in a position that is contradictory to your belief system all of a sudden you are saying to yourself ,” To be or not to be…. a Christian?“.
Now sometimes the reason why we are asking that question to ourselves is because of fear, lack of trust, or sheer human nature. I thought about this driving into work. It came from me worrying about a issue that I was thinking about and then a calm feeling came over me and said, “If you are a Christian and you trust God then he will provide for you.” Trusting and believing in God is the hardest part of living a Christian lifestyle. I say this because if we really trusted and believed that God is going to take care of his and wants the best for us then some of us wouldn’t walk around with a scowl. I guess that is why Joel Olsteen is so happy. If you really believed that trouble doesn’t last always or that you will be blessed with a job, better finances, a child, a husband/wife then you wouldn’t get caught up in contradictory behavior. Christians believe and have faith. It reminds me of the story when Jesus was on a boat during a bad storm and became disappointed with his disciples who were terrified. I mean the disciples knew Jesus and witnessed his miracles and still lacked faith so I know its really really hard for us. Jesus wants you to be strong and have faith in order to smile during a storm. That is what "real" Christians do.
The person that leaves the church grounds and once they pull off the parking lot starts drinking and cursing is in the same boat with the Christian who cries many nights over dreams that they feel haven’t manifested. Next time when you are about to get into a grouchy mood because things just aren’t working out, remind yourself that you are indeed a Christian. If you do all that you can do in a situation, then God has your best interests and will bless you according to his plan.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
So true....
I heard this today:
So true....The response:
Stay Blessed!
So true....The response:
Stay Blessed!
Monday, October 25, 2010
A prayer of thanks.
Dear God,
I just wanted to thank you for all of the events that have transpired in my life over the last couple of years. I know I fussed and fought you all of the time, but I ask for your forgiveness because I just couldn’t see the bigger picture. I now know that you are growing me and the crisis that I experienced did just that. My eyes have never been so open, my heart has never been so thankful, and love has never been so strong. Every day I wake up I am thankful just to be alive and well. To know that I have the love and support of my family just reconfirms my blessings. I love myself and I can’t help but to be grateful.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Peace of Mind
The date was July 21, 2001 when Lauryn Hill performed a taping of her second album for MTV Unplugged. One of the songs from the album is "Peace of Mind." Even though this song first aired in 2001, it still holds it's relevance. Why? 1) Lyrically it says what we sometimes find hard to say and 2) It's naked, honest, and truthful. People (young and old) everyday find themselves in some type of situation where they're fighting to keep control or regain control of their peace. Trying to find a way to reconnect to God. It's one of my favorites. If you've never heard it before I suggest you take a listen and add this timeless piece of music to your collection.
To Listen Click On Link Below:
Peace of Mind
To Listen Click On Link Below:
Peace of Mind
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010
Let it out...don't give up
Why is it so easy for people to give up on themselves?
I read this quote the other day: "You are more than what you have done." And it's true. Whether you have no education, are a lawyer, a teacher, have a criminal background or whatever your situation may be, there is potential for you to do greater things than what you've already done. We all have something we're good at, some potential that is waiting inside of us to be exposed. Maybe it's cooking, singing, cutting hair, writing, drawing, helping others, working on cars, talking, SOMETHING!!!! Too often I've seen someone drop out of school and later when asked why they didn't finish, they're not able to explain. I also know people who have reached a certain level of success and for them that's it-they have a job, is making money, and now just going thru the motions of living life. I believe that no matter what a person's level of success, every second of their life is filled with purpose. Most will never know what could have been because they never allow their potential to be used, they give up on themselves and simply go thru the motions of living. Looking at celebrities today I have to say that whether it's for monetary reasons or not, most of them continue to commit themselves to a purpose (non-profit organizations, clothing lines, new perfume collection, endorsements, new work project, etc...). We all have this ability-to commit ourselves to unlocking our potential to do SOMETHING with purpose (write a book, volunteer at an elderly center, obtain a GED, start a business, etc). The choice is ours; we just have to decide to do it without giving up, or making excuses of why it can't be done.
Unleash your potential....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Random thoughts
I just finished watching Jersey Shore’s season finale. I normally do not watch that show, but somehow I turned on MTV and got caught up in a marathon. Next thing I know I’m running home today to catch the end of the show. Some reality shows are crap. I am sure Jersey Shore is that show for a lot of people. Seriously America has become obsessed with other people’s lives. I started feeling like I knew the folks on the show. I have to remind myself that most reality shows are staged. The power is in the editing. Editors can make a person seem lazy or evil just by cutting out some important events. I just think about the 7 ages monologue. How all the worlds a stage and all the men and women merly players. We are always on stage even when the cameras are not rolling.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What Happens Tomorrow?
Tomorrow always comes. Regardless of whether you have your to-do list completed, whether you're loving what's happening to you today, whether you're ill, happy, sad, glad, tomorrow always comes. When it gets here, will you be ready to face everything that comes with it? Life is unpredictable. I'd like to quote Forrest Gump who said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get?" Everyday you have a choice, not a choice in what ALL you may face (because it's true, you never know what may come your way), but you have a choice in how you'll react to everything that tomorrow brings. When tomorrow comes choose to press forward when problems arise, choose to smile when you want to cry, choose to have faith when you want to doubt, choose to love over being fearful. Choose to on purpose make tomorrow one of the best days of your life! Yes tomorrow always comes, just remember that you always have a choice over how you react to your tomorrow.
Stay blessed and enjoy tomorrow!
Stay blessed and enjoy tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ms. Cinderella
Ms. Cinderella
During my time at Georgia State University I played the evil Step Mother in this original musical production of Cinderella!?. This character was well received by audiences. Sometimes I would see people in the audience saying my lines with me. It was lots of fun playing her because the Evil Stepmother was ridiculously scathing, insulting, and heartless which is not like me at all. One thing that I learned about playing the role is the level of hatred and fear the character had for herself and the person she thought had the potential to surpass her, Cinderella.
Have you ever met people who have a hard time sharing the lime light? They pretend to like you, but their actions always seem like they are taking advantage of you instead of giving you the advantage. This person could be a friend, professor, colleague, or employer. They are the kind of person who find ways of not passing along contact info to you, cheat you out of art work that you “co-wrote”, don’t pay you the amount that you are worth, or essentially try to keep you from rising above them. These people are the Evil Stepmoms of the world. Evil Stepmoms like to cut you down verbally or not tell you about opportunities that would be perfect for you. I think the word that best describes this individual is jealousy, which is the fear of someone taking something that you perceive belongs to you. Sometimes you can tell these people about themselves and they can be in complete denial.
Anyway, if you know this person then that means that you are the Cinderella. Now as cute as Cindy was she was the footstool to the Stepmom. She is getting locked in attics and is always cleaning up after everybody. Mice are her friends. Nobody wants to be her really. So if you are Cinderella, you know how the story ends. She doesn’t start living her life until she leaves the StepMoms house. What if Cinderella never stood up for herself? She would still be in those tattered clothes cleaning up for everyone. Hmmmm
Makes you think.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Deal or no Deal
The people you partner up with have a powerful effect in determining your success. Which do you place greater value on when choosing a business partner: their character or their record of success? Lately I’ve found myself paying less attention to how successful a person appears to be, and focusing more on the person’s character. In general most people start businesses to make a profit, lately I’ve had to confront situations where people wanted to make a profit or handled business dealings in ways I don’t totally agree with. So here’s the question: what is considered crossing the line in business relationships? Is it when someone intentionally interferes with you making a profit so that they can make the bigger profit? Some would be quick to answer by saying “But making a profit is why you start a business”! And this is true-your goal is to always have a positive cash flow at the end of the day. However, along with having the extra cash, I have to be real and just say I prefer working with honest people. People who love what they do, who love to be successful, and love to help others become successful. The last situation I want to find myself in is a business relationship with someone who desires me to be successful, as long as my success doesn’t surpass theirs. I also never want to be the person blocking or standing in the way of how successful a person can become. Proverbs 13:11 says "Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow." So with all of this being said I'll answer my own question: When choosing a business partner I'll place the greater value on their character. Why? Simply because I like honesty and will always choose truthfulness over deception. Plus with hard work and a great business plan success will always follow. Besides the idea of having to split money and attend business meetings with someone I don't trust is like falling asleep only to find Freddy Krueger waiting for me, and I'm no longer a fan of scary movies!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
See Social Network
I finally was able to take a break from work and school to catch a movie. I went to see Social Network which may I add has been the number one movie for the last three weeks. I was totally intrigued by it. I was completely blown away by what could be accomplished when a person’s desire drives them to greatness. I don’t want to spoil the movie, but everything the main character did was for the affection and acceptance of people he felt were important in his life. I wonder if certain events didn’t take place or God gave him everything he wanted would he have had the gusto to achieve things greater than he imagined. When we experience loss or don’t get what we want we think that God has failed us. Maybe the blessing is in the failure. Maybe knowing what the bottom looks like motivates you to fight to get to the top. That’s why we thank God for the good and the bad because he knows the real purpose. We have to trust him and know that what he wants from us is the best. With all that said. Please go see that movie.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Life is Fine
I went down to the river,
I set down on the bank.
I tried to think but couldn't,
So I jumped in and sank.
I came up once and hollered!
I came up twice and cried!
If that water hadn't a-been so cold
I might've sunk and died.
But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!
I took the elevator
Sixteen floors above the ground.
I thought about my baby
And thought I would jump down.
I stood there and I hollered!
I stood there and I cried!
If it hadn't a-been so high
I might've jumped and died.
But it was High up there! It was high!
So since I'm still here livin',
I guess I will live on.
I could've died for love--
But for livin' I was born
Though you may hear me holler,
And you may see me cry--
I'll be dogged, sweet baby,
If you gonna see me die.Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!
~By Langston Hughes~
I set down on the bank.
I tried to think but couldn't,
So I jumped in and sank.
I came up once and hollered!
I came up twice and cried!
If that water hadn't a-been so cold
I might've sunk and died.
But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!
I took the elevator
Sixteen floors above the ground.
I thought about my baby
And thought I would jump down.
I stood there and I hollered!
I stood there and I cried!
If it hadn't a-been so high
I might've jumped and died.
But it was High up there! It was high!
So since I'm still here livin',
I guess I will live on.
I could've died for love--
But for livin' I was born
Though you may hear me holler,
And you may see me cry--
I'll be dogged, sweet baby,
If you gonna see me die.Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!
~By Langston Hughes~
Friday, October 15, 2010
Every day is a new day. Sunny bright and blue day. Yesterday the rain came in but today the sun is back again.(Chi Ife O., 2006)
I wrote those lines for a children’s musical that my job produced. Whenever I’m feeling down for some reason that section of the song I wrote entitled New Day comes to mind. I totally understand when people say that everything comes from God. When I wrote those words I wasn’t in a bad mood or trying to be ultra genius. I read a play about little kids in a neighborhood playing and the song just came out. I envisioned a neighborhood and kids playing games. The day is beautiful and sunny. The scent of pancakes and grits is in the air. O yeah and it’s a Saturday and that means no school. I began to hummm and then write. Several years later I am in a slump and depression is knocking on my door. I’m praying to God and the first thing that comes to mind is ….New Day. Sometimes I think we write things that are relevant in the present and the future. God is always speaking to us through our passions. I literally wrote a song that later in life helped me in a dark time. It told me that every day is a new day…a sunny bright and blue day…yesterday the rain came in but today the sun is back again.
Storms will come, but the sun will always return in your life. That is why it is so important to share your craft because if God put a song in your heart, then its not just for you. It is for people listening in the present and that will be listening in the future. I heard a sermon this Thursday that talked about releasing your dream. If you are slacking on the idea that God put in your heart because you don’t believe it can happen, then make it happen for the people who need your dream. It is a selfish act to hide your vision and selfishness is an anti to love. Take baby steps if you need but do something every day to make your dream come to life. We need it! Hey, this is what this blog is all about.
Love you,
~ Chi
Thursday, October 14, 2010
You Aint Got No Kids
The conversation went something like this:
Female: You aint got no kids?
Answer: No
Female: What you waiting til you get married?
Answer: Yes.
Her face gave an array of mixed thoughts and emotions as if she wanted to maybe say one of the following: "Why you aint got no kids, girl what's wrong with you?"; "You in your 20s and aint got no kids, dang that's messed up?"; "So you gon have kids or what?" Lol. Ok seriously, when did it become the norm that you're supposed to have kids in your teens or your 20s and have them before you get married? Today I just couldn't help but think not once did she ask if I was married- I'm not wearing a ring, but the only thing she thought of that was out of place was the fact that I've apparently been able to not have a child and I'm in my 20s....her face was shocked! She looked like she wanted to scream BFNK, BFNK-Black Female with No Kids! Danger Alert, Danger I don't know if it's the norm for other races but I'm actually tired of always having to be stereotyped. Yes, we may have teen pregnancy in our society, but not ALL black women get pregnant at an early age. I don't believe this has become a standard amongst ourselves, where we feel that we should have babies, married or not, at a younger age. I mean most black girls don't say "Hmmm I'm 16, I think I'll get pregnant." I must say those I do know who have had children while they were younger I have to applaud because most of them have done a remarkable job, regardless of whether they had help from family and friends.
So today I just had to shout out and declare N'all folk, I aint got no kids! LOL. And you know what, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. In fact for the moment I think it's ABSOLUTELY right! And who knows, maybe in the future I'll be signing off as BFMWK (u figure it out), until then BFNK signing off. ;)
Female: You aint got no kids?
Answer: No
Female: What you waiting til you get married?
Answer: Yes.
Her face gave an array of mixed thoughts and emotions as if she wanted to maybe say one of the following: "Why you aint got no kids, girl what's wrong with you?"; "You in your 20s and aint got no kids, dang that's messed up?"; "So you gon have kids or what?" Lol. Ok seriously, when did it become the norm that you're supposed to have kids in your teens or your 20s and have them before you get married? Today I just couldn't help but think not once did she ask if I was married- I'm not wearing a ring, but the only thing she thought of that was out of place was the fact that I've apparently been able to not have a child and I'm in my 20s....her face was shocked! She looked like she wanted to scream BFNK, BFNK-Black Female with No Kids! Danger Alert, Danger I don't know if it's the norm for other races but I'm actually tired of always having to be stereotyped. Yes, we may have teen pregnancy in our society, but not ALL black women get pregnant at an early age. I don't believe this has become a standard amongst ourselves, where we feel that we should have babies, married or not, at a younger age. I mean most black girls don't say "Hmmm I'm 16, I think I'll get pregnant." I must say those I do know who have had children while they were younger I have to applaud because most of them have done a remarkable job, regardless of whether they had help from family and friends.
So today I just had to shout out and declare N'all folk, I aint got no kids! LOL. And you know what, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. In fact for the moment I think it's ABSOLUTELY right! And who knows, maybe in the future I'll be signing off as BFMWK (u figure it out), until then BFNK signing off. ;)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Random thoughts
This morning I was listening to Summer Rain by Carl Thomas and was reminded how much I enjoyed the lyrics and melody of that song. It is my interpretation that the song is comparing a love interest to the protective nature and blessing of soothing rain in the summer. The song really is beautifully written and the instrumental just grooves. It is really cool how certain songs, sights, tastes, or scents can remind us of a happy or not so happy time in our lives. I mean as soon as the first few notes start playing we are automatically transported to another time or place. Atlanta Is one big time machine to me. Every corner reminds me of a different time in my life. From the Varsity to Little 5 points, every inch of Atlanta has a memory attached. I think that is the point when you know you are ready to move on. It is when everything links you to your past. When there is no more room to grow. When you start to have too many Dejavu moments. But sometimes no matter how much you are ready to leave a place in your life, if God isn’t ready to move you somewhere else then you have to find ways to make olds things new. I know my thoughts are random, but I’m just thinking through some things as I write. Going back to the Carl Thomas song, I think its really good because I haven’t heard it in a while. I think when you are fed up with a current place in your life, maybe you have to leave in order to appreciate it . Just random thoughts.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Who's Got Your Back?
Romans 8:31 asks the following: If God is for us who can be against us? So often we find ourselves up against people and situations that are working against us, desiring to see us fall short of whatever goal we're trying to achieve. In those type of situations several people, myself included, have stated the same question and used it as a reminder that despite how the situation may look, God loves us, He is for us, and that we'll always win if anything tries to come against us. So that's pretty straight-forward. But what happens when the one standing against you is yourself? When you no longer desire anything for your life and you're ok with going down a destructive path? What happens when God is for you but You're against yourself? I'll ask the question again and really think about it this time: What happens when God is for you but You're against yourself?
Some of the things that could happen are: 1) defeat and you giving up on life, 2) finding a way to build yourself back up eventually after years of your life has been marked by defeat, and 3) having a solid collection of people who will stand up for you and not allow you to destroy yourself. Some or all of these could happen- I pray that if I ever have a period where I'm against myself, the latter will happen and those I know will stand up for me. Stand up how? By praying for me, by offering assistance in whatever form, by providing a listening ear, by making themselves available, by seeking outside help if that's what's required, by DOING SOMETHING and not just watch me destroy myself.
Life is interesting. One day you could be experiencing the best day of your life and then Bam! Your life could all of a sudden be flooded with so much chaos that you don't know how to handle anything being thrown at you. The people in your circle will either help lift you up or bring you down, that's why you have to wisely choose those in your inner circle. Choose a team who will have your back 100% of the time; people that you know will keep you uplifted thru prayer and by consistently adding to your existence. Hopefully you'll never find yourself in a situation where God is for you, but you're against yourself. If it ever does happen, I pray you're smart enough to have great insurance coverage with the friends and family members you've chosen to have close by.
Some of the things that could happen are: 1) defeat and you giving up on life, 2) finding a way to build yourself back up eventually after years of your life has been marked by defeat, and 3) having a solid collection of people who will stand up for you and not allow you to destroy yourself. Some or all of these could happen- I pray that if I ever have a period where I'm against myself, the latter will happen and those I know will stand up for me. Stand up how? By praying for me, by offering assistance in whatever form, by providing a listening ear, by making themselves available, by seeking outside help if that's what's required, by DOING SOMETHING and not just watch me destroy myself.
Life is interesting. One day you could be experiencing the best day of your life and then Bam! Your life could all of a sudden be flooded with so much chaos that you don't know how to handle anything being thrown at you. The people in your circle will either help lift you up or bring you down, that's why you have to wisely choose those in your inner circle. Choose a team who will have your back 100% of the time; people that you know will keep you uplifted thru prayer and by consistently adding to your existence. Hopefully you'll never find yourself in a situation where God is for you, but you're against yourself. If it ever does happen, I pray you're smart enough to have great insurance coverage with the friends and family members you've chosen to have close by.
Monday, October 11, 2010
When there is no problem people tend to look for problems. Why is that? People love drama, hearing about a juicy scandal, or witnessing a confrontation. That is why reality TV shows are extremely popular, because people love watching a train wreck. MTV is the mother ship of trashy reality TV. They are known for reality classics such as The Real World, The Hills, and now everyone’s favorite Jersey Shore. It is like the more you watch, the more you get involved with these people and their emotionally disturbing lives. Now some people attract drama to their lives by engaging in gossip, cheating, lying, or by simply hanging around the wrong crowd. There is stress in drama and sleepless nights. You have to ask yourself why life is not fulfilling without crisis. Some people are always operating in crisis mode.
Peacefulness is the opposite of confrontation and conflict. Having a peaceful spirit means operating in an emotionally stable state, free from hostility. Peacefulness is a virtue because it takes maturity not to react negatively to the ills of our environment. When I think of peacefulness, I think of a baby sleeping. It seems like babies have the best sleep. They are usually smiling which means that they are having dreams free from to-do lists, homework assignments, deadlines, bills, and drama.
How does an Adult achieve peacefulness? Peacefulness like happiness has to be practiced. Mediation is a great way to calm the spirit. Try sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on your breathing either in the morning or right before bed . Isaiah 26:3 says that a person focused on the word of God will be kept in perfect peace. Creating time to spend with the Lord whether it is a morning walk or through bible study will allow your mind to find peace. However you do it, find time to in your day to meditate. Find peace and release the need for drama. You will notice how along with peace comes joy.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Who Am I Not To Be?
I first read this quote a couple of years ago. It literally forced me to accept with confidence the ability to see greatness in myself, without apology. It's honesty forces us to realize that we were created to be put on display so that God will be glorified; That our life actions should be so bright and full of things going on that people have no choice but to stop and take notice. And it doesn't just take place if you're a star on a stage with spotlights beaming on you-No, our everyday lives should be a stage where our light shines so bright that people have no choice but to say "God did that" and realize that if God did it for you, then it's possible that He can do it for them. Hope you enjoy. ~DeAndrea
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~Marianne Williamson
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I am surrounded by creativity! I am embraced by it daily.
It meets me at my door step and follows me to work. When work ends I study creativity. It is and always Will be a part of my routine, my being, and future. Like I was created
I will create. It is human nature.
It meets me at my door step and follows me to work. When work ends I study creativity. It is and always Will be a part of my routine, my being, and future. Like I was created
I will create. It is human nature.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wanna watch the game?
When I was a little girl I used to love watching the football games with my dad. As I grew older, the more I watched the games the more I realized the commentators used large grandiose words that I'd never heard before and that I definitely didn't know the meaning of. For some reason it wasn't good enough for me to just accept the fact that I didn't know what the words meant. So I decided to tape a piece of paper to my television and each Sunday there I was, a little black girl, watching the football games, writing down any word I didn't know the meaning of on that piece of paper, with my dictionary sitting close by. It's sounds like a silly sight to see and as I'm typing this I can envision myself back then “trying to become educated.” In hindsight I realize that my actions were larger than my quest for knowledge. Attached to my decision of making sure I was educated, was the desire of not accepting complacency. I look back thru my years of living and I can say with certainty that I've never just wanted to accept being complacent, normal, average. I've always desired more, once I realized more existed. Always. Now as an adult I ask myself where is the little girl who unknowingly had a passion to exist beyond a life of complacency? Does she still exist? Or have I just become content with the now, not really reaching or even expecting something more or better than what I have?
It's a question that when I first asked myself the immediate answer was yes she still exist, she's still right here! And I agree, she is, but oh how much I've changed! Yes I'm the same little black girl with the desire of not accepting being complacent, normal, average...yet I don't believe I'm just as quick to grab that piece of paper and take action for myself. Why? Well, the stakes are higher, responsibility higher, realization of failure higher, the number of my age higher, amount of people depending on me higher, the amount of time that's lapsed or passed is higher, I could go higher and higher and higher but honestly they all sound like me accepting that fact that with some things I have to be complacent and that's just not true. Yes our circumstances change but our mindset and beliefs doesn't have to. Everything we do in life is a choice. Regardless of any circumstance change in life, we must decide whether we're gonna hold on to who we are, or allow who we are to change because the circumstance has changed.
With the start of the football season this year for some reason I decided to start watching football again. After years of just disregarding the sport and only watching during the play-offs and Superbowl, I decided to tune in again. The newsflash or revelation for me was “How did I ever allow this sport to leave my life?!” I absolutely enjoy football and I get so caught up that I can't help but yell at the television screen as though I'm actually at the game. So with the startup of watching football again, I realize that I recognize the words the commentators are using now and there's hardly a word that makes me want to run and grab a dictionary. Yet I find myself with the startup of this season discovering the same little black girl, who contained an earnest passion to exist beyond a life of complacency. I'm grabbing that piece of paper and taking action for myself again, this time not to discover definitions but to discover the fullness of life. I think you should grab a piece for yourself too! My bet is if we stick it out the entire season, no matter which team we find ourselves on, we'll come out as MVP of the year.
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