Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Disciple of Self

The word discipline means to instruct a person on the proper way of doing things. That is why we discipline children when they are displaying negative behaviors. We are instructing them not to behave a certain way. Now how you discipline or convey that message of order to your children depends on the parent. The message does not have to come from a belt or tree branch but how you enlighten and instruct them. So discipline is not a negative action because it is supposed to help you and not physically harm you.
 In Self-discipline you become your own disciple who is now dedicated to doing things that improve your life without succumbing to your emotions. You have to develop what people call “will power” to fight against the moments when everything in your body says taste it, touch it, say it, and do it towards things you know would assist you in backsliding. Simply its gaining control of your human nature that wants to do whatever is necessary to feel good. Human nature is not a bad thing but allowing the nature to be the ruling force in your life is. It is ok to eat chocolate cake, but anything in excess is not ok. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but there are rules in making sure that you are living the best life. Just like when you start a new exercise regime, its going to take the body some time to obey the new order of things. So give yourself time to develop self-discipline, but stick to it. The reward is that you know that you hold the control over your vices and they don’t control you.

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