Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Got Time?

Loving, laughing, dancing, singing, watching a good movie, reading a great book-just a few things I think of that always bring a smile to my face.  What are the things you enjoy doing?  How often are you able to do these things...well actually let me rephrase.  How often do you make time to do the things you enjoy?  Today I found myself really enjoying the use of my time, an hour experience I chose to make time for.  Now mind you before I started I felt like going straight to bed and taking a nap.  But I literally forced myself to keep moving because if I had stopped and sat down for a second any plans would have been sabotaged by sleep.  So there you have it.  That's my blog for today.  It's not long because the topic is so simple yet we all fall victim to wanting to do those things we enjoy doing, but never making the time to do them.  The interesting thing about this is no one has to pull us by the arm and force or bribe us to do these activities because they are things we love doing.  Before the end of this week I challenge you to commit to doing an activity you've put off doing because you "didn't have time."  Make the time!  The one thing I continue to realize each day is that time keeps ticking, there's no pause button that will allow you to get yourself together and when you're ready hit un-pause and say "Alright, let's go!!!"  So make time, take time, find time, because in the scheme of things when you look back you don't want to be left saying "I missed my time."


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