Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goody Goody!!!

Goody Goody!!!
Is anyone an undercover Ned Flanders fan like I am? I mean I love Ned Flanders!!!  I’ve wanted to write a blog about Ned Flanders for a while and I think today is the day. 

So I was out at diner a couple of months ago and someone mentioned how much they hate do-gooders or goody two shoes.  The comment caught me off guard because I had never heard someone openly say they hate people who pride themselves on being good.  I guess a lot of people don’t like “Goody Goody” folk. I mean Homer Simpson is constantly tormenting Ned and his family because they are religious and sooooo good. I like Ned. He is super positive and has a loving family. His sons are obedient and respectful. His wife is his number one fan and is supportive.  In my mind Ned has it going on. Even though he may be a cornball or nerd in the eyes of many, he has a lot to be thankful for. He is blessed! I can relate with Ned %100.   

This is not going to be one of those super deep blogs. I just wanted to say to all the Ned Flanders of the world to keep doing you and stay super optimistic, super Christian (or whatever your religion), and super happy! Okely-dokely!


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