Thursday, September 30, 2010

Call Me Out

Only day two....two days having passed while trying to create a habit of consistency. And although there were several logical reasons to call and say “Not today,” “Maybe tomorrow,” or “Let me see if someone else can do it,” I pressed forward. So often we are given two choices: 1) the choice to do what we say we're going to do and 2) the choice to not do what we said we would. Today it seems that most people expect a pass when they make the decision to cancel their obligations. They expect to hear "ok, i'll see what I can do since you can't do it now"....or "Well no, I'm not disappointed, it's cool."  I admit there have been times when, for whatever reason, I decided to make the phone call to let someone know that something came up. But lately I'm so tired of hearing something came up!!! I don't want to hear it, I don't want to say it, I don't want it said to me, and I don't want it to become the standard. Yes, stuff comes up and things happen that we have absolutely no control over, but I'm speaking of times when we say we're not gonna do it just because (something “better” comes up, or I just don't feel like it, etc). It's time we stop accepting mediocrity and start holding each other accountable for keeping our word. If I said I was gonna do something and at the last minute I change my mind I want you to call me out, let me know it's not cool and that you had much higher expectations of me to do what I said I was gonna do. I want you to do it for me and I hope you'd want the same. Our word and making sure we DO what we say plays a huge role in how people categorize us. I would rather someone tell me "nope, sorry I can't do it" instead of saying "yes, you know I got your back" and never come thru and do what they said they would. So if I call you out, or you have to call me out let's just be called out, let's choose to do better next time and keep it moving, because the only way we can truly see ourselves, is if someone else calls us out.  So for anyone out there who'd like to call me out, the phone lines are open and you can call me anytime and....Ooops my bad i can't do anytime, so ummm...."Not today, maybe tomorrow."  
Just kidding!!! ~Call me out!


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