Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time Heals

Time heals everything is more than a popular saying, it is the truth. Sometimes we feel like we just cannot go on after experiencing a loss. We think that the thing that we are going through is so devastating that it will take forever to heal. While you are going through loss, every moment feels like an eternity, but once the thing passes it is almost like it never existed. It is funny because even though people say that your feelings will pass in time, you find no solace because you cannot see things getting any better. The great thing is once those feelings of loss pass you can’t even understand why you wanted to give up on moving on. What I’m saying is that time is a gift and a healer because if you just wait and be patient, you will see that things are going to change whether you want it  to or not.
The best thing is knowing that trouble doesn’t last always and the sun will come out. So never give up or feel like things will not get better because they will. They always will.  Pray for patience and the faith to continue to push forward regardless of the present issues.
Peace and Love

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