Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get that drunken monkey off your back!

Last night I arrived at my apartment super late after a super long day of work. I immediately crashed on my futon sofa and tried to take a pre-nap before heading to my bedroom for the final slumber of the night. I was quickly awakened by the call of a friend who was partying a little too hard on a Wednesday night.  “Hey Ife, I’m a little tipsy but I’m okkkkkk,” the person proudly rattled off to me on the phone. Now I’m tired so nothing was funny to me about my friend’s situation. This person is 30, a professional, and has the admiration of hmmmm maybe a few. I kept wondering why I was so annoyed with this person for simply indulging themselves to the point of drunkenness. I mean they are obviously living the life!  I questioned maybe if I was a prude and maybe this person was experiencing “the joys of life” and me on my firm little futon wasn’t. Hmmmmmmm…..hmmmmmmmm.
 I don’t care for raunchy/crappy club music anymore. I’ve started to listen to gospel and jazz.  I once loved to drink myself to the point of being tipsy, but since I can’t control whether “tipsy Ife” is going to cry or pass out, I have decided to cut out the liquor.  I can drink one glass of wine, but that is it!!! Even over eating because maybe the meal is free or for other emotional reasons just doesn’t seem like the best thing to do anymore especially since I’m getting older and want to avoid medical ills. Again, have I gotten old? The answer is no. I am in the process of changing my lifestyle not because I’m trying to become Gandhi or some super human who is better than everyone else. I’m changing because I’m starting to see that certain behaviors just don’t make sense anymore or are dangerous.
When you are a child you believe that nothing can harm you. You do stuff like drink and drive with a car full of your best friends. You eat and drink recklessly because the body either bounces back easier or you just don’t see the harm in it. You curse folks out becasue it feels good. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but it isn’t meant to destroy you and learning how to curtail destructive behavior is a sign of wisdom.  One of my favorite scriptures is from 1 Corinthians 13:11 which states, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
It is time for some of us to grow up! Stop eating unhealthy and overindulging in alcohol, weed, or other drugs.  Wake up! Live life! Walk with an attitude of gratitude and most importantly live in love!Get that drunken monkey off your back! 
And if I’m old then thank God for maturity.  I just drank a spinach smoothie and wrapped my foot before the morning run. Call me what you want, but I’m so happy where I am at right now in my life. Amen!

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