Sunday, October 3, 2010


There is peace in thankfulness. Sometimes we can get so frustrated with the job we have or the relationships in our lives because they are not going as planned. Because we become discontent we develop a negative outlook on life and soon become ungrateful for the things we are blessed with. See the world is always telling you that you should drive a certain car, have a certain income, and have a certain job and significant other all by a certain age. When you don’t gain these things then you feel like a complete failure. Of course that is all a lie. The truth is that you are right at the point you are supposed to be. It is the divine order of things. Stop and find the goodness in where you are right now. Find the goodness in everything you do. First be grateful for what you have and when you achieve that your environment will change. I am not saying that a million dollars will appear in your bank account because you are super grateful, but your perspective will change and therefore your environment has to change. The world will be more of a peaceful and beautiful place when we begin to be thankful for everything. I walk with an attitude of gratitude and it has made all the difference.

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