Saturday, October 2, 2010

Virtue: To Wait or Not to Wait

Fingers drumming on a table....unable to sit-pacing backing and forth.....wanting it RIGHT NOW, but realizing you have to WAIT.  We live in a microwave society where we want things to be done for us almost as quickly as it'd take to warm up a microwaveable dinner.  Today via the use of the internet people are being instantly discovered thru you-tube, are able to talk and send pictures and videos to friends and business partners with the push of a button,  able to shop online without ever taking the time to leave their homes...I could go on but I'm sure you get the picture.  Instant fame, instant success, instant shopping, instant seems to be the new "it" factor.  Today, when everyone seems to want it now, what do you do when you find yourself having to wait?  What happens when success doesn't just land in your lap, when no one is rushing to open a door of opportunity for you, and when it seems that no matter how much you do to accomplish the thing you most desire, that gnawing feeling that it will never happen just won't go away.

Do you quit?  Do you become bitter and dis-satisfied with life?  Maybe you decide to give up and try something else?  Or maybe you decide to continue following the path you're on, because you know that it's the right path to take, and just wait?  Wait for it to happen or wait until something better, that you didn't even expect, comes along and leads you to a different destination.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there are millions of people all over the world desiring something better, more purposeful, a dream and desire they would like to have fulfilled one day soon.  For those millions of people still holding on to dreams and aspirations the key to success could simply be waiting for hard work to pay off, being patient and believing that what they're waiting for will happen.  Easier said than done? Yes!  But I've found that those who've waited without giving up on their dreams either accomplished them eventually, or they're able to say they lived a life- one that was full of joy, unexpected moments, of good and bad times, laughter, pain, love, and moments that only existed because they patiently waited and pursued their desire and they have tons of stories to share with you about it all.  What desire do you wish to accomplish?  If it doesn't happen suddenly for you will you give up?  These are questions each one of us must answer for ourselves, and whether we answer them now as we patiently wait and move forward, or years from now after we've moved on because it didn't happen instantly, one day these questions will present themselves before us again, and regardless of the path we've chosen, we will have to answer the question of what ever happened to......


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